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凝聚信心,承载重托!四展联动, 7月焕新亮相国家会展中心(上海)

   日期:2020-03-11     来源:慕尼黑展览上海有限公司    作者:慕尼黑展览上海有限公司    浏览:188    评论:0    

受到新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情的影响,按上海市政府关于预防和控制病毒传播的指导方针,慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司不得不于2月初推迟了原定于3月举办的慕尼黑上海电子展(electronica China)、慕尼黑上海电子生产设备展(productronica China)、慕尼黑上海光博会(LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA)及VisionChina(上海)。近日,全新的举办时间及举办场地已正式确定。展会将于2020年7月3-5日在国家会展中心(上海)(NECC (Shanghai))盛大召开。

自新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情爆发以来,在中国,已经有预计300余场展览进行了延期。由于上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC)档期紧张,2020年内没有可供选择的展览时间。经细致研究,由慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司举办的慕尼黑上海电子展(electronica China)、慕尼黑上海电子生产设备展(productronica China)、慕尼黑上海光博会(LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA)以及与机器视觉产业联盟联合举办的VisionChina(上海)将延期至2020年7月3-5日在国家会展中心(上海)举行。


慕尼黑博览集团董事总经理Falk Senger先生表示:“我们很高兴及时地为展商和合作伙伴提供了一个新展期。中国现在是、将来仍然是全球重要先进技术发展基地。慕尼黑博览集团也希望继续为全球企业进入中国市场提供服务。我们充满信心,7月将与电子及光电行业共同迎接慕尼黑上海电子展(electronica China)、慕尼黑上海电子生产设备展(productronica China)和慕尼黑上海光博会(LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA)的成功举办。


短短一篇新闻稿无法穷尽我们此时想说的话,之后我们也会单独撰文为您介绍慕展新时间与新地点出炉的幕后故事, 同时为您解答展商和观众最为关心的一些问题。同时慕展也真诚地请求您的谅解,我们可能无法在第一时间解答所有人的所有问题,因为慕展人整个3月的首要任务是为3,000余家参展企业提供新展位并一对一地听取大家对新慕展的建议与需求。我们恳请您多给我们一些时间,逐一与您沟通并为您解决问题。我们深知疫情给彼此以及行业带来的困难有多大。但再难,我们也坚信能力越大,责任越重。而今年,凝聚市场信心,承载行业重托就是新慕展必须完成的时代与历史使命!疫情无情,人有情!此时我们不仅是山川异域,风月同天;更是人同此心,心同此理!




New Date and New Venue

of Four Shows have been set

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has strongly impacted developments in China. Following the directives of the Government of Shanghai Municipality to prevent and control the virus from spreading, electronica China, productronica China, LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA and VisionChina (ShangHai) were felt compelled at the beginning of February to postpone, which were planned to take place in March. The new date has been set, combined with a unique change in location. The trade fairs will be held from July 3 to 5, 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai.

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), more than 300 trade fairs in China have been postponed. Due to the tight schedule of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), it wasn’t possible to find an alternative date at the SNIEC in 2020. After examining carefully all possible dates, electronica China, productronica China and LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA organized by Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. and VisionChina (ShangHai) organized by Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd and China Machine Vision Industry Union (CMVU) are decided on a one-time postponement: The trade fairs will take place from July 3 to 5, 2020, at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

Stephen Lu, Chief Operating Officer of Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd, explains: “We are taking the spread of the coronavirus very seriously and have been monitoring the local situation closely. based on current developments, we are confident that by setting a new date we will create good conditions for staging the trade fairs.” After intense communication with the exhibitors, Stephen Lu believes that “despite the current uncertainties, the importance of our trade fairs at the Shanghai location remains intact. There is a still a great demand for participating in the trade fairs.”

Falk Senger, Managing Director of Messe München: “We are pleased to offer our exhibitors and partners a quick and good alternative: China is and remains one of the world’s leading technology locations. We want to give companies from all over the world access to this key market in future, too. We are now looking ahead confidently and working with the electronics and photonics industries to organize a successful electronica China, productronica China and LASER World of PHOTonICS CHINA 2020 in July.”

We are always with you!

Such a short press release is obviously insufficient to cover all that we want to say. A series of reports and stories concerning the new exhibition dates and locations will be released, along with answers to the questions you may ask. We also ask for your patience and understanding for the possible delay of our answering, as the priority of all our staff this March is to settle the new booths for over 3,000 exhibitors and listen to their suggestions and needs. We therefore kindly ask you to give us more time, so we can be able to solve problems for you in an orderly manner. We are fully aware of the difficulties this epidemic has brought to us and the industry. However, despite the difficulties, we believe exhibitions shall assume the responsibility as it means a lot to the industry. The new exhibitions are our mission to regain market confidence and the future of the industry. It requires more goodwill and trust for us to battle the ruthless epidemic. At this moment, we do not only share the sky and earth, but also the same heart and resolution!

Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.

Mar.10, 2020


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