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关于AEE&AEC 2020上海国际飞机制造技术及工程展览会及论坛延期举办通知

   日期:2020-05-03     浏览:1173    评论:0    
核心提示:关于AEEAEC 2020上海国际飞机制造技术及工程展览会及论坛延期举办通知尊敬的参展商、演讲嘉宾、观众、行业朋友及各媒体协会:感

关于AEE&AEC 2020上海国际飞机制造技术及工程展览会及论坛延期举办通知


感谢您一直以来对AEE&AEC 2020上海国际飞机制造技术及工程展览会及论坛(以下展会简称“AEE 2020”,会议简称“AEC 2020”)的支持!自疫情发生以来,我们每天都在关注着防疫进展。对疫情给国家和个人造成的伤害,我们感同身受;惟愿同所有朋友们一起,共克时艰,为我们伟大的祖国祈福。

目前国外疫情依然肆虐,提高防控措施、防止疫情再次蔓延是国家防疫的重点。本月初,国务院再次发布通知,明确指出各类展览活动暂不举行。为此,我们决定将原定于2020年2月19-21日举办的AEE 2020延期至2021年8月6-8日举办,展览地点为上海新国际博览中心;将原定于2020年2月19-21日举办的AEC 2020延期至2020年9月2-4日举办,举办地点待定。此次延期给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,但是生命与健康才是我们关注的焦点。

AEE&AEC 2020以大飞机发展为契机,关注飞机整机及核心零部件在生产制造中涵盖的各项技术。过去的时间里,AEE&AEC 2020得到了行业广泛关注。我们相信,随着大飞机战略地位的进一步提升与国内飞机市场的扩大,AEE&AEC 2020一定会为行业人士带来更多的商机。疫情之后,在我们的共同努力下,我们一定能走的更稳。





The Notice of Postponement for AEE&AEC 2020

Dear exhibitors, visitors, partners and media friends,

Thank you for all your support for AEE&AEC 2020. We have been concerned about the situation of epidemic prevention since the outbreak of COVID-19. We could feel the changes around us and we are sorry for the loss of our country and our people due to COVID-19. We are willing to get together with our friends to go through the hard times. May the best wishes for our motherland!

The epidemic situation abroad is still serious for the moment, which is why we need to improve prevention and control measures so as to stop the spread of COVID-19. Earlier this month the State Council had issued the notice again that any large society activity including exhibition and forum is not allowed. So we decided to postpone the AEE 2020 which had been scheduled to be held from Feb. 19th to 21st, 2020 to Aug. 6th to 8th 2021 in the same venue, and we also decided to postpone the AEC 2020 which had been scheduled to be held from Feb. 19th to 21st, 2020 to Sept. 2th to 4th 2020, the venue has not been decided yet. We are sorry for the inconvenience. After all, your safety and health is our focus.

AEE&AEC 2020 takes the opportunity of big planes and focuses on all the technologies during the manufacturing process of aircraft and its core components. based on the past time, AEE&AEC 2020 has got a wide attention from industry. We firmly believe that AEE&AEC 2020 could offer more and more opportunities for industry professionals along with the improvement of big planes’strategic position and with an expanding domestic market of aircraft. Under our joint efforts the AEE&AEC 2020 will be better than before after the end of this disease.

For the next year we will continue the business mode of exhibitions adding conferences, gathering specific cases and applications from aviation field to share new opportunities with our friends. based on the full previous preparation, we can bring you a large-scale exhibition with perfect and complete services.

April 30th 2020

AEE&AEC team

Shanghai Forever Exhibition Co., Ltd.


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