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重要通知-2020 HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰展及R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展延期至6月28-30日举办

   日期:2020-02-25     来源:HDAsia亚洲家居装饰展览会    作者:版权归原作者所有    浏览:195    评论:0    
核心提示:重要通知-2020 HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰展及R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展延期至6月28-30日举办
受新冠肺炎感染的疫情影响,HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰展览会及R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展于1月27日宣布展会延期。近日经过多方积极沟通与协调,原定于2020年2月24-26日在上海新国际博览中心举办的HDAsia亚洲家居装饰展览会及R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展将延期至2020628-30日举办,并入驻上海最大的会展综合体:国家会展中心(上海)—上海市青浦区崧泽大道333号,展出面积维持100,000平米。国家会展中心(上海)作为上海市的标志性建筑之一,也是“中国国际进口博览会”与众多国内外超大型展览活动的举办地,位于上海市虹桥商务区核心区,毗邻地铁站直通虹桥高铁站及机场,周边高速路网四通八达,1至2小时可到达长三角各主要城市,航空2至3小时可直达亚太主要经济城市。HD+Asia&R+T Asia此次迁移新馆,预示展会立足新起点,必将为国内外展商带来全新参展体验。展会平面规划如下:
作为专业展会及大型活动组织主办方,HDAsia亚洲家居装饰展览会及R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展具有丰富的经验及应对处理突发事件的能力。出于对展商及观众的健康安全考虑及参展效果的保障,我们慎重地做出延期决定。但我们相信,市场的信心及需求将伴随疫情的稳定好转逐渐恢复,届时我们将为大家带来又一场健康安全并富有成效的全球贸易盛会。我们目前正积极与各参展商、观众和合作伙伴逐一沟通,竭诚做好后续服务,相信我们定会共同战胜疫情度过难关,重回正轨。 在此衷心感谢您长期以来给予我们的理解与支持表示衷心的感谢!如有任何问题,请及时与我们的团队取得联系。 主要联系人及联系方式:HD+Asia窗饰布艺:纪惠星  先生   电话:+86 21 6195 6037    手机:+86 180 1924 2566邮箱:Janson.ji@vnuexhibitions.com.cn HD+Asia智能家居:龚辉  女士   电话:+86 21 6195 3531     手机:+86 139 1809 6009邮箱:Effi.gong@vnuexhibitions.com.cn 
R+T Asia遮阳:张建军  先生   电话:+86 21 6195 3549     手机:+86 185 0179 5068邮箱:Kevin.zhang@vnuexhibitions.com.cn R+T Asia国际:曹张莉  女士   电话:+86 21 6195 3524    手机:+86 137 6489 1176邮箱:Miranda.cao@vnuexhibitions.com.cn R+T Asia门及门禁:吴开元  先生   电话:+86 21 6195 6040     手机:+86 136 8160 4651邮箱:Kyle.wu@vnuexhibitions.com.cn
展会参观及市场合作:朱媛  女士    电话:+86 21 6195 3550     手机:+86 139 1760 8375邮箱:Miko.zhu@vnuexhibitions.com.cn R+T&HD+ Asia项目经理:王成愉  女士   电话:+86 21 6195 6006 手机:+86 1810184 5102邮箱:Teresa.wang@vnuexhibitions.com.cn  HDAsia 亚洲家居装饰展览会R+T Asia 亚洲门窗遮阳展主办方上海万耀企龙展览有限公司斯图加特展览有限公司2020年2月24日 星期一

Notice of new date and location of HD+ Asia 2020
Dear visitors and exhibitors, We are pleased to announce that the new date of HD+ Asia & R+T Asia 2020 is June 28-30, 2020. The show is also getting new location: National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai. The postponement of the original dates (February 24-26) was necessary to protect the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors from the recent outbreak of the coronavirus. Confident of a healthy environment in China by the end of June 2020, and inspired by the can-do attitude of the HD+ Asia & R+T Asia exhibitors, we are optimistic of a safe and successful edition of HD+ Asia & R+T Asia. We are now resuming preparations together with exhibitors and working on the layout of the halls. As always, Shanghai will continue to host the exhibition, but the postponement of the event has necessitated a move to the National Exhibition and Convention Center(NECC) in Shanghai. The show will occupy halls 1.2, 2.2, 7.2 and 8.2,  with a total of 100,000 sqm exhibiting space.

The NECC is the largest exhibition complex in Shanghai, located in the immediate vicinity of Shanghai-Hongqiao International Airport and the Hongqiao transportation hub, with excellent connections to metro, high-speed trains, and buses, guaranteeing very good accessibility for visitors. We thank our exhibitors and visitors for your solidarity, patience, and understanding over the last several weeks. We look forward to seeing you in June 2020! HD+ Asia & R+T Asia team


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